Every woman in the scriptures has a unique story to encourage us in our faith today. In this podcast, I share messages from the stories of women in the Bible, along with original songs that each of these women have inspired. I hope through stories and songs that your faith will be refueled, and you can find the courage to turn to God in times of both heartache and victory.
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
EP #9 - In this episode, Karyn defines “Women of Humility” as those who will come unto Christ and place their faith in Him. "And after ye have entered in the way, what shall ye do?" As mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and friends, we can turn to “Our Essential Christ” and begin praying miracles in behalf of our loved ones.
In this episode, Karyn share three songs, “His Timeless Love”, “One Precious Miracle” and her most recent addition, newly added to her repertoire, “The Prodigal Son” from a modern day mother's perspective.
Karyn’s joy in sharing these stories and songs focus’ on her desire to inspire each woman on her journey to Christ, as a woman of humility; to begin (or continue) co-creating miracles with Him in behalf of our loved ones.
Bring your journal and pen to this podcast and prayerfully meditate upon the miracles that you may be yearning to co-create with Christ.
Here are some questions to ponder: “What miracle do I stand in need of now?” “How can I devote my faith in the righteous cause of a loved one, to bring to pass the miracle they stand in need of now?” “Whom can I serve with my added prayers and petitions?” “In what area am I lacking in my faith?” “Am I willing to importune the Lord in requesting a miracle at His hands?” “When was the last time I requested a miracle and it was granted?” “Did I adequately thank the Lord for His blessing in this regard?”
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Ep #8 - Join Karyn Lynn Grant in this episode, "The Man at the Well," with your journal and pen in hand! Take notes of the words of inspiration that are dictated to your heart, mind and spirit.
The woman of Samaria is a wonderful example of the Savior's unconditional love, grace and mercy. Karyn shares what inspired her to write the song, "The Man at the Well" when she was a young mother after discovering the story of the woman at the well.
In the second half of this podcast, Karyn shares what inspired her in later years to write "One Cherished Heart", written from a fresh new perspective of that same wonderful woman at the well whom she had discovered years prior to her divorce.
In Part Two of this hour-long podcast, Karyn shares a portion of her journal wherein she shares the heart-wrenching experience in her first marriage, where she had to seek the Lord for constant companionship and inspiration as to help her overcome the terminal emptiness she felt in that experience.
Karyn shares that it was in "Turning to the Lord" and "Praying in Secret", the Lord helped her to turn her "sorrow into song". Through these night-time nurturing times with the Lord, Karyn found spiritual sustenance, emotional nurturing and joyful consolation in the Lord during that challenging season of her life.
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Episode #7 Why Your Worth is "Far Above Rubies" by Karyn Lynn Grant, The Joy Coach
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Ep #7 Why Your Worth is "Far Above Rubies" by Karyn Lynn Grant, The Joy Coach- Join Karyn Lynn Grant as she shares the sacred experience of writing the song, "Far Above Rubies" as she beseeched the Lord to understand her own worth before Him.
Each one of us comes to that crucial point when we desire to know our precious worth to the Lord. Each one of us can be blessed with the gift of personal revelation, where God speaks to us in the voice we will each understand best.
Coming to value your own worth begins a contagious spreading of gratitude and appreciation for the gifts we discover as well, in each other! Being in connected relationships with our sisters, brothers and friends allows us the wonderful opportunity of experiencing a beautiful "gift exchange"!
Questions to Ask while you are listening: "Whose gift might I appreciate with more gratitude, praise and thanksgiving?" "How can I reach those within the circle of my influence and share the message of their precious worth and value in my life?"
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Ep #6 - Join us in this episode as Karyn Lynn Grant interweaves the stories of the woman at the well with Christ's first miracle, "Turning Water into Wine".
We each have a gift to bring to the world! We can come unto Christ and ask "Lord, what is my gift?" As we continue importuning Him our gift will be revealed to us and then it becomes our responsibility to ask Him to help us to turn our "weakness into strength".
As you listen, here are pertinent questions to ask yourself; "What is my gift? What is my purpose? How can I continue to "polish and perfect my gift" before the Lord? How can I bring my gift to Him and submit it to Him so that He might use my gift to bless all of mankind?"
Plus the story of how Vaughn J. Featherstone inspired Karyn to discover her gift and then polish it and perfect it for the benefit of blessing all of God's Children. Be filled with love, joy and peace as you listen to this episode of "The Stories She Sings".
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Ep #5 - "The Gift of Loneliness." This episode is really about looking at "loneliness" as an invitation to "Come Unto Christ" in order to feel His Spirit more deeply. In our greatest hour of loneliness is the opportune time to turn to the Lord and find access to His Spirit, even the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Karyn shares the scenes behind the songs she wrote in her journey of "Coming Unto Christ" and sharing her story with those who have also experienced the great trial of loneliness in their personal lives. It is a "call-out" to discover your own spiritual gifts and to begin sharing your testimony with those who can be benefitted by your love for the Savior Jesus Christ in your very own way.
Be filled with love, joy and peace as you listen to this episode of "The Stories She Sings".
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Ep #4 - Special on the Gifts of Your Purpose, Calling, and Mission by Karyn Lynn Grant, The Joy Coach
Karyn shares the messages behind a few of the songs she has written for the Savior like: "Who Were The Angels?", "The Nativity Song", "Who Made The Stars?" and "My First Christmas Without You". Karyn's Christmas message focuses on the beauty of discovering your spiritual gifts, your purpose, your calling and your mission.
The last song in this episode is a bonus song by special request from a dear friend who requested that Karyn share a message with those who are grieving the loss of a loved one during the holidays. Be filled with love, joy and peace as you listen to this episode of "The Stories She Sings".
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Ep #3 - Karyn shares the journey of "Preparing to Meet God"by Karyn Lynn Grant, The Joy Coach
In this episode. She also shares the value and importance of teaching our children about the powerful promises we all have to keep in order to claim the gifts of love, joy and peace in this world and in the world to come; as well as the value of preparing to meet God in our "divine appointments" and personal worship time on a daily basis. Be filled with love, joy and peace as you listen to this episode of "The Stories She Sings".
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Ep #2 - Karyn shares the story and songs of "Mary and Martha" and the precious balance these ancient sisters discovered between devoted listening to Christ and service to the Lord. Through the original song this week we explore the heart balance of "Sitting with God" versus "Serving God" and which we are called to focus on in the current season.
Be filled with love, joy and peace as you listen to this episode of "The Stories She Sings".
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Ep #1 Welcome to The Stories She Sings Podcast with Karyn Lynn Grant, The Joy Coach
In this episode I share why I started this podcast, and what I hope it will mean for you! Every woman in the scriptures has a unique story to encourage us in our faith today. In this podcast, I share messages from the stories of women in the Bible, along with original songs that each of these women have inspired. I hope through stories and songs that your faith will be refueled, and you can find the courage to turn to God in times of both heartache and victory.
Whether you are new to 'The Stories She Sings' podcast or a loyal fan, please support our mission by rating, reviewing and subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you prefer to listen. Your support and your reviews mean a lot to me and to help share this empowering message to women everywhere. Plus, it provides me with valuable feedback, so that I can continue to provide the best listening experience possible.
I love hearing from fans and listeners. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for show topics with me on social media. (See links below)
Connect With Karyn on Social Media: facebook or Linked In
Visit Karyn's Website: JoycoachingAmerica.com
Listen to Karyn's other Podcast: "Joy Coaching America" karynlynngrantpodcast.com
Check out Karyn's 18 song album: "Secret of Joy" on Amazon
Listen to all Karyn's wonderful faith-filled music: on Apple or Spotify